About Me

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I am a believer in God, a mom, a wife and a lover of winter!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2

Here we are at day two.  So far so good.  I am attempting to get used to the hungry feeling.  Most people don't want a diet that leaves you feeling hungry but when you are in my situation, feeling hungry isn't such a bad thing.

Being on this diet definitely helped me not buy so much extra food at the grocery store.  I kept looking at all this snack food and it was so much easier to say no.  When I tried to do this on my own I knew that I could have small snacks and the such but I always bought too much and then would eat way too much trying to justify that i was allowed snacks.  But with this diet, I already had my snacks and my snacks are already picked out for me.

No working out today though.  My little visitor for the month is here and horrible cramps.

1 comment:

  1. oooooh the joys of womanhood. good luck on the diet though... i should try one of those one of these days. lol
